Hit the + button to add an expense event.Click on the Expenses Pane (Immediately to the left of Income on the toolbar).For more information, see Working with Income.Virtually segment your bank account, then go read about Working with Budgets There's a big table here to fill in funding for various Budgets, but we're not going to worry about that right now.If this Income ever ends on its own (maybe you're getting seasonal Income for the next 3 months), then click off that it ends and fill in.That'llĪllow you to do things like get paid every other Friday or the 15th and 30th of the month. The popup gives you aĬouple of common options, but if you need something more advanced, choose the last option (Custom) to get into the custom date editor. By default, it'll be set to once a month on the given date. The arrow button next to the calendar advances the due date to the next You can either type the next date in, or hit the little calendarīutton at the end of the field to get a popup to select the date there. Next thing is important - put in your next payday.But if you set up multiple accounts and need to deposit into something else select it here. It will default to depositing into the first bank account you have on the accounts screen.

First and foremost, you want to add in your payday. Hit the + button to add an Income event.Click on the Income Pane (third from the right on the toolbar).